E-Logics & Application Integration
We have an experienced and talented team of engineers, architects and project managers who help us offer a wide range of technical expertise to our clients.
Some of our E-Logic Integration abilities include:
Development languages and technologies: Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages (ASP) PHP, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Powerbuilder, JavaScript, VBScript, CGI, Perl, Oracle Developer 2000, MS Office, XML, XSL WAP, WML Java Servlets, Java Beans, EJB, Java Applets, COM, DCOM, CORBA
Design tools, languages and applications:
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash
Web and Application Server Platforms:
Internet Information Server, Commerce Server, BizTalk Server BroadVision One-to-One Enterprise WebLogic Server, WebLogic Commerce Server Netscape Enterprise Server Apache Database Servers: Oracle SQL Server Sybase Informix DB2
Operating Systems:
Windows 2000 Server, Windows NT Server Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, SCO-Unix
If we build it, they will come!
- Registration with realtime credit card validation
- Compatible with Verisign/AuthorizeNet and other “Vitual Merchants”
- Recurring billing program to process credit cards automatically
- Credit cards encrypted and stored in a database for security
- Login & Session management
- Lost password management
- Account management
- File-sharing abilities with secured, centralized server
- Searchable database through web interface
- Easy-to-use interface for viewing search results
- SQL Server database
- Oracle database systems
- Intranet, Extranet, Client/Server, Desktop and Wireless
- Operating System Access Control Lists
- Application architecture
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) and SSL
- Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
- Legacy Application Integration